Tuesday, April 28, 2015

An Open Letter to My Children

 My softer side :)
I have been meaning to write this forever, so I decided to share it with everyone
To My Greatest Accomplishments,
I have been meaning to write you a letter since you were born. But as fate would have it, life, work and raising you to be the amazing kids you are got in the way.  Well NOW it's time!

First, I need to let you know that I NEVER could even imagine the power of love until I became a mother.  It is the most fantastic, powerful, and pure form of love that anyone could ever experience.  I loved you both from the moment I wanted you, and I can honestly say that the love I feel for you has increased every.single.day. since your births.  From the moment they placed each of you in my arms I knew that I had to protect you and be the very best mother I could be.  You became my world, everything(one) else were just small pieces of it.
I have thoroughly enjoyed watching you mold into the perfect little people you are.  Both of you so different, but so awesome at the same time.  You both are so genuine and flawless in your own unique ways, and I look forward to every day I have on this earth being your Mother. I could watch you sleep for hours, still in awe at the perfection you both possess.  Did I really make something so astonishing???   I will continue to wonder this for the rest of my life.  How did I get so lucky?
You two are best friends, and when I catch a glimpse of you holding hands or laughing hysterically at each other it melts my heart every single time.  You have your own special language and your secret games, and the joy it brings me to watch this relationship is indescribable.   I know that as you grow older this may change.  Please my babies, even through the tough times remember the love you share and always put that first.  There is nothing more unbreakable than the bond of siblings, so please stay close and cherish one another.
Next my carrots, please understand that when I get upset, it's because I want what's best for you.  If I'm mad, its because I feel that whatever it is you're doing is not the best or safest way.  It does not mean I love you any less, in fact it's because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH that I want so much for you.  I may threaten to sell you to the gypsies, but they would have a helluva time getting past me :)
Gabriel, my little old soul.  You are the one who taught me how to be a mother and we continue to learn together.  Every day you amaze me with your budding personality and facts about EVERYTHING nature.  it's your Zen place and I hope you continue to find comfort in this your whole life.  I have watched you struggle and never give up, and you are KICKING THE ASS of Tourette's!!!!!  You haven't let your struggles bring you down, and on the rare occasions that things were really tough, you came to me and we worked it out.  I cannot even express how amazing it was to know that we could work through difficulties together, and you bet your bottom that I will continue to advocate, support and fight for you for the rest of your life.  The sky is not going to be the limit for all that you have to offer, and don't ever stop learning or being you!!
Leah Brynn, my little spit fire!  You came into this world fighting and it has turned you into the strongest-willed most solid 6 year old I have ever met.  Your laugh is contagious, and the room lights up when you are in it.  I beg you to keep this confidence and continue to build on it as you grow.  There are limitless possibilities to where this journey will take you, and you have the personality to persevere in whatever it is you will do.  Your art work is stunning and your creativity is going to take you far!  Please don't ever settle for anything less than amazing.  I will be right by your side as your fighter, advocate and biggest fan, and don't ever forget that.  Please know that you can always talk to me about ANYTHING, and there is nothing you could ever do or say to change that.
As we continue this journey together, I know that it's not always going to be easy.  There will be times when you don't like me or what I have to say.  Please know that I will continue to always everything to keep you safe and happy, regardless of how mad you are at me.  I will also continue loving you during the difficult times and hope that my love and support will get us through any struggles that may arise!  I will always be here, by your sides to pick you up when you are down or raise you up  even higher when you are thriving.  You both are my most important job.  I will never let you want for anything substantial, even if I'm worked to my limits.
In conclusion my children,  this journey has been nothing short of spectacular so far, and I look forward to waking up every day and being your mother. It is the most profound and meaningful job I will ever have. Thank you for being my babies (no matter how old you are)

 Until the next time, peace, love, and caffeine!!! xoxo

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